We LOVE the outdoors! But even more than that - we enjoy spending time together as a family, whether it be dirt biking, camping, climbing mountains, kayaking, fishing or traveling to "off the beaten path" places. We're all adventurous in nature and willing to try anything new and exciting.
We also have a desire to see how things work, we like building with our hands and crafting projects from scratch (that's Dad's influence for sure). He has taught the kids how to use his tools to work with wood, metal, plastics, and more. Sometimes these ideas turn into masterpieces and sometimes they don't. But....it's all creative and fun.
We have been a fishing family....always! Both kids began catching fish almost before they could walk while on camping trips with their grandparents - visiting nearby lakes and rivers. If Grandpa and Grandma are going kayaking or combing the shores - they want to go too. These outings have turned up some very interesting finds of old and vintage tackle. More shelves than I can count are filled with buckets and buckets of fishing "stuff."
And, that is the story leading up to how our business was started. Our creative, entrepreneurial kids wanted a shop where they could showcase their talents for designing effective and one of a kind fishing lures. The answer....selling online! Due to our shops' quick success (THANK YOU CUSTOMERS!!) - we now all work on the business fulltime. However, there are still many products in our shop completely crafted by our kids. They spend their free time painting all of our custom crankbaits, bending metal for some of our handmade lures, tying knots for all survival items, as well as thinking of new ideas for personalized lures for special occasions.
We work on it all together.....It really is a Family Fishing Business!
Proud to be featured in:
*Guff.com - Adorable Gift Ideas for Long Distance Relationships (Oct 2015)
*SteppingOutsideAgain - Buying a Mountain Bike (May 2015)http://steppingoutsideagain.blogspot.ca/2015/05/buying-mountain-bike.html
*TheImaginationSpot.com - Unique Valentine's Gift (February 2015)
*Featured in Huffington Post - Best Mother's Day Gift Ideas: Ideas Your Mom Will Fall in Love With (May 2014)
*Featured in Huffington Post - Personalized Mother's Day Gifts - 20 Great Ideas Mom's Will Love (May 2014)
*Featured in SomethingTurquoise.com (Embracing the Do It Yourself Bride) - DIY Wedding - David & Gabby (April 2014)
*Featured in Huffington Post – What to Get Your Boyfriend for Valentine's Day (January 2014)
*Featured in J@Monkey Blog - jamonkey.com (February 2014)
*Featured in the RCC BLOG - rcc.blog.com - Win Some, Lose Most - Adequate Valentine's Day Gifts Courtesy of Etsy (February 2014)
*Featured in blondiescupofjoe.blogspot.com - DIY Valentine's Day Gift (February 2014)
*Featured in girlshue.com - 15 Amazing Happy Birthday Gift Ideas for Dad 2013 (March 2013)
© 2013-2016 CandTCustomLures
All materials, content, designs, and verbiage contained within candtcustomlures listings, products, and materials are the intellectual property of candtcustomlures and may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or displayed without candtcustomlures’ express written permission.
About C and T Custom Lures
C and T Custom Lures - A Family Fishing Business